A Guide to Crafting Award-Winning In-House Digital Ads

Back during my time at Tokopedia as a motion graphic designer, I found myself at the helm of an exciting project. The challenge? Creating captivating digital ads to let users know that Tokopedia is the go-to for a myriad of services, from paying bills to buying game vouchers and train tickets. The project was part of the “Semua dimulai dari Tokopedia” campaign, translating to “All Starts from Tokopedia.”

As the project lead, collaborating with our in-house creative team, scriptwriters, and illustrators became my daily routine. The catch? The video had to be under a minute, but with so much to showcase, this posed a creative dilemma. To make matters more thrilling, we received a revised brief: 30 seconds, and we had just seven days to pull it off. Talk about a whirlwind!

Day 1

Researching illustration and animation styles while the scriptwriter crafted a story aligning with our business goals.

It’s crucial to gather numerous references during this phase, as they guide the style, illustration, and animation output. Don’t hesitate to search extensively for references

Pro Tip – Based on my experience, Pinterest is an excellent resource for finding references. Its linked pages often lead to similar styles, saving valuable time.

Day 2

Script approved! The storyboard was drafted, and the team began visualizing the concept.

The concept of this video revolves around showcasing how Tokopedia can solve users’ problems. We illustrate the issues and demonstrate how Tokopedia’s features provide solutions.

Pro TipKeep the story simple, especially with limited duration. Focus on depicting the problem and its resolution.

Day 3

Illustrators worked tirelessly to finalize the draft, and the head of creative gave the green light for animation.

Finalizing illustrations is crucial, as making changes during animation can be time-consuming.

Pro TipFor animators, organize layers neatly in Adobe Illustrator. This allows for efficient updates in Adobe After Effects, especially when making changes to specific parts of the illustration.

Day 4

The real challenge kicked in for illustrators as they refined the style. Meanwhile, I started working on the voice-over.

Voice-over is essential for guiding the timing in animation. If a proper voice-over isn’t available, using your voice as a placeholder can suffice

Pro TipSound elements like voice-overs, sound effects, and music enhance animation quality. Spend time finding suitable audio elements for your project.


Day 5

Animation began, guided by the approved storyboard and the voice-over. I prefer animating based on each storyboard, as it helps maintain focus. Breaking down layers in Adobe Illustrator and exporting them to After Effects streamline the process

Day 6

Continued refining and animating with extra determination. Focus on basics like character movement and camera angles before adding detailed animations.

Pro Tip – Prioritize basic elements during animation, such as character movements and camera angles, before adding intricate details. 


Day 7

The original deadline arrived, but the animation required additional polish. Fortunately, the team appreciated the progress, and the deadline was extended by two days. Adding more animation details and utilizing “Easy ease” keyframes for organic animation enhance the final output.


Day 8 and 9

Final touches were made, and voila! The digital ad showcasing Tokopedia’s features was ready to take flight.

The icing on the cake? A few months later, our in-house team’s effort paid off with the Google Ads award. Tokopedia triumphed over big agencies, proving that sometimes, a bit of magic and teamwork from within can outshine the rest.

Check out the final video and enjoy the magic!

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